Orson Scott Card

  • 网络奥森·斯科特·卡德;奥森•斯科特•卡特;奥森·斯科特·卡特;卡德;奥尔森·斯科特·卡德
Orson Scott CardOrson Scott Card
  1. Orson Scott Card is the author of one of the most popular science fiction series in history .


  2. He 'll star in Ender 's Game in November based on the best-selling book from author Orson Scott Card .


  3. According to his Facebook profile , his favourite book is ' Ender 's Game ' by Orson Scott Card .


  4. Ender 's Game by Orson Scott Card


  5. If William Gibson is the father of Cyber-punk science fiction , then Orson Scott Card is the modern voice that set the direction of modern science fiction .


  6. When Mark Zuckerberg first added his likes to his Facebook profile , he put the book Ender 's Game , by Orson Scott Card , as a favorite book .


  7. From US author Orson Scott Card 's refusal to sign the film deal for years , to the film 's pre-release controversy thanks to Card 's anti-gay views , there are plenty of reasons to watch it .
